사이즈 선택

현재 위치:


스포츠 브라 사이즈 측정 방법

Women’s breasts are glandular organs suspended from the pectoralis major muscle, without the support of bones and muscles. Any movement of the chest in sports will cause the chest to shake, making this suspensory ligament stretched back and forth taut, and in the long run, it is easy to cause breast sagging; this process also causes the chest and underwear in intense friction, and friction most directly is the chest will therefore be traumatized. When wearing a sports bra, pressure can be transferred from the sensitive shoulders and chest to the back and armpits to disperse and enhance the prolonged exercise’s comfort. So, choosing the right sports bra is essential for girls and women!

위 유방 측정

먼저 몸을 앞으로 45도 정도 기울이고 줄자를 사용하여 가슴의 가장 넓은 부분을 측정합니다. 테이프를 등에 똑바로 대십시오. 가장 가까운 정수로 반올림합니다. 이것은 당신의 윗가슴 사이즈입니다.

가슴 위쪽

유방 아래 측정

Second, stand up straight, hold the tape measure, and wrap around the ribcage horizontally to get the under-breast measurement. Round it up to the nearest whole number. This is your under-breast size.

다양한 활동에 적합한 브래지어 선택

충격이 적은 스포츠

Some gentle exercises that do not make the body appear unnatural can be considered low-intensity exercises. For example, walking, yoga, Pilates, etc.

미디엄 임팩트 스포츠

Most proper gym exercise is moderate intensity exercise such as Boxing, cycling, table tennis, playing badminton and weight training, etc.

하이 임팩트 스포츠

Almost all exercises that require both feet to be off the ground and have high-impact and low-impact interval cycles are considered high-impact.

스포츠 상의 사이즈 측정 방법

When we buy sports tops online, we often need clarification: is the size marked online standard? Will the sports t-shirt not fit me when I buy them? Especially when you invest in a quality t-shirt, vest, blouse, or tank top, you want it to be perfect for staying comfortable, fresh, and hassle-free while you train. Yes, when we shop online, we first need to be aware of whether our actual body size matches the online size chart. Therefore, the proper body measurements can help us get the perfect fit. Motolemon offers some standard guidelines below to help you buy your desired sports top online without problems.

Shoulder width is measured by the distance from one end of the shoulder through the back of the neck to the other end of the shoulder when you are upright, and your shoulders are naturally drooping.

어깨 사이즈


When you are in an upright position with your shoulders hanging naturally, measure your bust from your armpits around your chest, taking the BP point (i.e., breast point) as the measurement point, and measure the fullest part of your chest horizontally with a soft leather ruler, which is the bust size.

가슴 크기


소매 길이는 어깨에서 팔꿈치 지점을 거쳐 척골(손목) 하단까지의 직선 거리로 측정됩니다.

소매 사이즈

평소 머리를 들고 자연스럽게 호흡하면서 줄자가 측정 부위에 눌리도록 하여 가장 얇은 배꼽 윗부분의 허리 둘레를 줄자로 측정합니다.

허리 사이즈


상단 길이는 뒷목 하단에서 상단 하단 밑단까지 직선으로 측정되며, 눈금자는 지면과 수직이어야 합니다.

상단 길이


스포츠 팬츠 사이즈 측정 방법

What is the best way to choose the size of yoga pants? How do I choose the right size of yoga pants for myself? These are the most asked questions by yogis, runners, or trainers. Indeed, when you start buying yoga pants online, you can’t try them on yourself. Unlike other pants, yoga pants sizes are generally marked with S, M, L, XL, XXL, and even numbers, making size selection difficult. But don’t worry, we need to learn to measure ourselves with the following three sizes, and then, everything will be much easier for us to choose the most suitable ones.

평소 머리를 들고 자연스럽게 호흡하면서 줄자가 측정 부위에 눌리도록 하여 가장 얇은 배꼽 윗부분의 허리 둘레를 줄자로 측정합니다.

허리 사이즈


똑바로 선 자세를 유지하고 다리를 모은 상태에서 엉덩이 둘레에 줄자를 사용하여 가장 높은 지점에서 둘레를 측정하고 줄자가 바닥과 수평을 이루는지 확인하십시오.


엉덩이 크기

허리에서 바지 다리까지 측정.

바지 길이




센티미터에서 인치, 피트 변환기

If you buy online, different vendors may use different length units, but they are usually centimeters, inches, or feet. This length converter is perfect for converting centimeters into inches or feet or vice versa. Type a value into any field you like, and you can see the results in real time. Share this tool with your friends and family if you find it helpful!




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