So messen Sie die Sport-BH-Größe
Obere Brust messen
Lehnen Sie zuerst Ihren Körper um 45 Grad nach vorne und verwenden Sie ein Maßband, um den vollsten Teil Ihrer Brust zu messen. Legen Sie das Band direkt über Ihren Rücken. Runden Sie auf die nächste ganze Zahl auf. Dies ist Ihre obere Brustgröße.
Messen Sie unter der Brust
Second, stand up straight, hold the tape measure, and wrap around the ribcage horizontally to get the under-breast measurement. Round it up to the nearest whole number. This is your under-breast size.
Wählen Sie die richtigen BHs für verschiedene Aktivitäten
Some gentle exercises that do not make the body appear unnatural can be considered low-intensity exercises. For example, walking, yoga, Pilates, etc.
Sportarten mit mittlerer Auswirkung
Most proper gym exercise is moderate intensity exercise such as Boxing, cycling, table tennis, playing badminton and weight training, etc.
Almost all exercises that require both feet to be off the ground and have high-impact and low-impact interval cycles are considered high-impact.
So messen Sie die Größe von Sportoberteilen
When we buy sports tops online, we often need clarification: is the size marked online standard? Will the sports t-shirt not fit me when I buy them? Especially when you invest in a quality t-shirt, vest, blouse, or tank top, you want it to be perfect for staying comfortable, fresh, and hassle-free while you train. Yes, when we shop online, we first need to be aware of whether our actual body size matches the online size chart. Therefore, the proper body measurements can help us get the perfect fit. Motolemon offers some standard guidelines below to help you buy your desired sports top online without problems.
When you are in an upright position with your shoulders hanging naturally, measure your bust from your armpits around your chest, taking the BP point (i.e., breast point) as the measurement point, and measure the fullest part of your chest horizontally with a soft leather ruler, which is the bust size.
So messen Sie die Größe von Sporthosen
Zentimeter in Zoll, Fuß Umrechner
If you buy online, different vendors may use different length units, but they are usually centimeters, inches, or feet. This length converter is perfect for converting centimeters into inches or feet or vice versa. Type a value into any field you like, and you can see the results in real time. Share this tool with your friends and family if you find it helpful!
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