포켓 옵션

현재 위치:

사이드 포켓

요가 팬츠 포켓 디자인 - 사이드 포켓

Once you experience the convenience of yoga pants with 메시가 있거나 없는 사이드 포켓, you won’t want to return to the old tights. We even consider them essential to our closets as the side pockets that are large enough to carry the phone, keys, and wallet.

숨겨진 주머니

요가 팬츠 포켓 디자인 - 내부/숨겨진 포켓

숨겨진 또는 내부 포켓 in the waistband is another pocket design for yoga pants; it carries the ID, cash or keys well.

뒷 주머니

요가 팬츠 포켓 디자인 - 백 포켓

함께하는 요가팬츠는 뒷 주머니 편안하게 핸즈프리로 하루를 보내는 데 꽤 좋습니다. 사계절 필수품이 되어야 합니다.

More Yoga Pant Options

당신의 놀라운 디자인으로 시작합시다

Whether you’re designing your brand of yoga pants with or without pockets, you need to consider the needs of different people.

Yoga pants with pockets are becoming increasingly popular and are sold in large numbers every year as people rely on this feature to keep their cell phones, keys, ID cards and other small items while they exercise.

Check out 당신의 디자인을 알고 for more information on the designs we will be working with you on or simply talk directly with one of our professional sales representatives to get started.

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