열전달, also known as hot wax transfer, thermal printing, or thermal transfer, provides high-quality, colorful photo-realistic image printing, which makes it perfect for digital photographic printing—for example, logos and numbers on sportswear.
화면 인쇄
스크린 인쇄, also known as silk screen or screen printing, supports the fine textile screen printing plate, screen taut, and fixed on the screen frame printing method. The material to be printed is placed below the screen frame, and the liquid ink is squeezed downward using a “squeegee” down through the porous material. The ink-permeable printing plate is partially transferred to the material to be printed. Screen printing differs from other forms of printing in that it uses pigmented ink to form a thick layer of ink on the paper surface, resulting in bright and vibrant colors.
실리콘 3D 프린팅
실리콘 프린팅, 기본 원칙은 스크린의 그래픽 부분은 실리콘을 통과할 수 있는 반면 스크린의 그래픽이 아닌 부분은 실리콘에 영향을 받지 않는다는 것입니다. 스퀴지는 실리콘에 압력을 가하여 실리콘이 화면의 그래픽 부분에서 기판으로 압착되도록 하는 데 사용됩니다.
자수 is a traditional Chinese folk craft, a general term for various decorative designs embroidered on needle textiles. Embroidered logos on garments look high-end, elegant, and premium. The cost is higher than screen printing, and there is a starting quantity for printing. Also, the embroidery patterns should be simple, and the colors should be simple enough.
승화 인쇄
승화 인쇄 열승화 전사 잉크를 종이(또는 플라스틱 필름)에 인쇄하여 인쇄한 후 그래픽이 인쇄된 종이(또는 필름)와 직물을 열과 압력으로 겹치게 하고 종이(또는 필름)에 염료를 기상 상태로 승화되어 직물로 전달됩니다.
반사 로고 인쇄
반사 인쇄 is a unique process in which reflective materials are printed on fabrics. When irradiated by external light sources, the light will integrate cone-shaped beams and reflect the light source. The irradiation Angle of the light source will always maintain such reflective characteristics within a specific range. Using this high-visibility reflective material, the wearer can be easily seen at night and avoid danger.
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