Варианты дизайна бюстгальтера

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Компрессионный спортивный бюстгальтер

Compression sports bras are sports bras designed to provide high support and stability during physical activity. They work by compressing the breast tissue against the chest wall, which helps to reduce movement and prevent discomfort and injury.

Unlike other sports bras, compression sports bras do not typically include cups in their design. This makes them an excellent choice for low to medium-impact activities where the breasts do not require as much support.


Инкапсулированный спортивный бюстгальтер

Инкапсулированные спортивные бюстгальтеры are designed with separate cups that support each breast individually. This type of sports bra is ideal for strength workouts, as it provides more support and a more natural shape than compression bras. Additionally, encapsulation sports bras are excellent for low-impact exercises.


Спортивный бюстгальтер с крест-накрест

Спортивный бюстгальтер с крест-накрест features a stylish criss-cross strap design and provides medium to low support, making it a great choice for activities such as yoga, Pilates, martial arts, running, and fitness.


Спортивное бра со спиной-борцовкой

Гонщик is a popular sports bra style among women due to its Y-shaped straps that join between the shoulder blades, providing high support and restricting breast movement during high-impact activities. It’s an excellent choice for various sports, including running, CrossFit, and high-intensity workouts.


Пуловер спортивный бюстгальтер

Пуловер спортивный бюстгальтер is popular among teenagers due to their tank top style. It features an elastic band that sits just below the breasts, but it is not very supportive and is only suitable for low-impact activities. Women with larger breasts should avoid wearing this type of bra.

Застежка сзади

Спортивный бюстгальтер с застежкой на спине

Спортивные бра с застежкой на спине have adjustable straps and hooks in the back, similar to everyday bras. They come in padded or underwired options and are ideal for moderate to high-impact sports, providing excellent support and comfort.

More Sports Bra Options

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