Principais opções de design

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costas abertas

costas abertas

costas abertas sports tops usually provide the wearer with a breathable and cool experience, and the hollow-out back shows off a sexy back when exercising.

sutiã embutido

sutiã embutido

Top de sutiã embutido offers the removable pad in the sports top without needing an additional bra underneath, giving the wearer a comfortable and safe wearing experience. If you don’t like the built-in bra, you can also remove the pad and wear your bra.

Cruz cruzada

Cruz cruzada

Cruz cruzada is not only a flattering design for a sports top but also can offer strong support for back or abdominal muscles and, of course, keep cool throughout the practice!



Thumbholes are a fantastic way to keep your sleeves in place when wearing your favorite sweatshirt, and they are also handy when you want to keep your sleeves from bunching up.



Tops esportivos de malha são leves, respiráveis e, o melhor de tudo, são sexy! Vestindo tops com milhares de designs ocos e malha transparente, os usuários não se sentem mais abafados durante o exercício.



O design da gravata pode ser projetado com cordões ajustáveis em ambos os lados, nas costas ou uma bainha longa na frente ou nas costas. Amarre-o solto ou amarre-o para mudar seu visual e mostrar seus músculos abdominais, cintura ou costas atraentes!

More Top Options

Vamos começar com seus designs incríveis

Want to talk to us about more different styles of sports top designs? Thousands of fashion styles can be created every day. All we need to do is catch the trend and design it.

You can also check out Conheça seus designs for more information on the designs we will work on with you.

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