Opciones de patrón

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Diseño normal

Diseño de patrón de pantalón de yoga - Normal

Diseño normal is the most popular design for yoga pants; whether working out or working from home, regular-designed pants are must-haves.

Whether indoor or outdoor exercises, they are always good pants for letting you enjoy your movements without thinking about what you wear.

Diseño capri

Diseño de patrón de pantalones de yoga - Capri

pantalones de yoga capri are distinguished by their length and undeniable comfort, which is why many wearers must buy at least one.

They are shorter than regular-design pants and longer than shorts and offer the perfect amount of laminated coverage. This makes them ideal for warmer days when you need something lighter, but they are still suitable for wearing when the weather is a little cooler.

Diseño de pantalones cortos

Diseño de patrón de pantalón de yoga - Corto

pantalones cortos de yoga are a crucial element in the field of yoga clothing, and wearers adopt them during the hot season. Since their creations, they have been ideal for practice and sporting activities due to their lightweight design, and, above all, they can highlight well-muscled calves.

Diseño de pantalones cortos calientes

Diseño de patrón de pantalón de yoga - Hot Short

pantalones calientes are extremely short and even shorter than regular short yoga pants. Some hot pants have drawstrings at the side seams that can be gathered and tied to adjust the length. Some hot pants have butt-lift designs that define the wearer’s hips and make them look much larger.

Moreover, Hot pants can make the wearers look “Hot”.

Diseño de Monos

Diseño de patrón de pantalón de yoga - Mono

Monos are one-piece yoga clothes that combine top and bottom and are ideal for wearers who want to save time on what to wear today. It can be called leotard, onesie, or bodysuit; no matter what you call it, it’s stylish and convenient for yoga class and peak as they can be easily slipped on and off.

Son mucho mejores para el rendimiento que los diseños tradicionales.

More Yoga Pant Options

Comencemos con sus increíbles diseños

The pattern of yoga pants varies from season to season. You should at least have regular designs because they are continually adopted by the wearer from winter to summer. However, if you want to diversify your product line, you need to offer a variety of styles of yoga pants for more choices.

You can also check out Conozca sus diseños for more information on the designs we will work on with you. 

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